Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Awesome Grocery List

Problem: You go to the grocery store with list in hand and the feeling that you have got to be forgetting something.  Oh well, the store will be open tomorrow as well!

Solution: Create an your own "awesome grocery list."  Staple your list to a piece of cardboard and glue a magnet on the back or use a magnetic clipboard to hang it on the fridge.  It's easy to make your own with Excel, and I can even email you mine if you are interested!  Include all of your frequently-used items and take a quick peak in the cupboards before you go to the store to check off items you are almost out of! 

It has made my life MUCH EASIER!  Got this idea from a store-bought grocery list pad we got for our wedding.  Fine-tuning it according to our personal needs makes it even better.  Oh, and did I mention that my awesome hubby made this for me with Excel?